
Fall 2018
From the Editor

It’s About Time.

By Julie Lancaster

Those who’ve been attending Balkan camp for a while can see evidence of time passing—this kid’s grown up while we weren’t looking, that one has children of her own now, this one’s head is greyer, that one’s eyes twinkle from nests of more wrinkles. . . . But from another perspective, the Workshops are surprisingly timeless. Continue Reading

Cathy Inouye

Location: Montreal, Quebec

Occupation: Anti-poverty community organizer

Connection to Balkan music/dance: Am performing in Balkanville, a Montreal Balkan band, just starting a series of monthly jams.

Number of times at Balkan camp: This was my first time.

Studied at camp: Music, drumming and playing in the brass band.

Memorable moment at camp: I was quite impressed by the many amazing music jams that happened in so many different venues and at all hours of the day and night. It was a magical experience. It was also very inspiring to get to play with Demiran [Ćerimović], the trumpet player who led the brass class. Of course, the soccer game was completely delightful and goofy. It was heartwarming to see all the people who pledged money for future scholarships during the auction.

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