
Fall 2018
From the Editor

It’s About Time.

By Julie Lancaster

Those who’ve been attending Balkan camp for a while can see evidence of time passing—this kid’s grown up while we weren’t looking, that one has children of her own now, this one’s head is greyer, that one’s eyes twinkle from nests of more wrinkles. . . . But from another perspective, the Workshops are surprisingly timeless. Continue Reading

Scholarship Recipient

Mendocino 2017: L. White

L White

Location: Hagerstown, Md.

Occupation: I work at a mall kiosk currently, but am just working odd jobs to put myself through school. Mostly sales and customer service. I’m studying to become an audio engineer.

Connection to Balkan music/dance: I discovered Balkan music at Santa Fe University of Art and Design under the instruction of Polly T. Ferber. Since the school’s closure my partner and I still play Balkan tunes together and actively seek out the East Coast Balkan community.

Number of times at Balkan camp: It was my first time at camp!

Studied at camp: My main study focus is cello and Turkish makam. Somehow makam makes more sense to me than traditional Western theory ever did.

Memorable moment at camp: I was in awe at the acceptance of people. I’m a very spiritual person and I also identify as a transgender male. Everybody at camp was so willing to hear me speak on my beliefs and so many people hugged or congratulated me when I came out to them. There was honest and true acceptance and understanding that we're all the same species living different lives in the same place. It felt like family.

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