
Fall 2018
From the Editor

It’s About Time.

By Julie Lancaster

Those who’ve been attending Balkan camp for a while can see evidence of time passing—this kid’s grown up while we weren’t looking, that one has children of her own now, this one’s head is greyer, that one’s eyes twinkle from nests of more wrinkles. . . . But from another perspective, the Workshops are surprisingly timeless. Continue Reading

Scholarship Recipient

Mendocino 2017: Paul Poresky

Paul Poresky

Location: Coos Bay, Ore.

Occupation: I am a retired rural letter carrier for the Postal Service.

Connection to Balkan music/dance: I do international folk dancing throughout the year. We dance every Monday evening in North Bend, and occasionally in Eugene with their Tuesday group, and at their Veselo Festival. Many of our dances are Balkan.

Number of times at Balkan camp: This was my first time.

Studied at camp: Dance! Dance! Dance! I am not a musician. Been dancing for over 30 years, but never played an instrument. I am trying to learn the kaval, with little success. I enjoyed the Bulgarian and Serbian dance classes the most.

Memorable moment at camp: The Friday afternoon student recitals at the amphitheater were remarkable. It was a real eye-opener to see how much talent there was in camp, and to hear how well people from all over the West could come together for a week and learn to play and sing so beautifully together. In that setting, it was magical.

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