Jessie Rothwell
Location: Garrett Park, Md.
Occupation: My day job is.... nothing. I do freelance writing here and there and am looking for a full-time job. That's why there's no way I could have afforded to come to Balkan camp without the scholarship I received.
Connection to Balkan music/dance: I am a member of Orfeia, a women's Balkan vocal ensemble. We currently have 10 members, not including our director, Tatiana Sarbinska. I don't dance regularly but would like to do more of it in the future.
Number of times at Balkan camp: This was my first time at camp.
Studied at camp: My main focus was voice. I took two voice classes and for a couple of days also took accordion. If I come back I really want to learn zurna (I grew up playing oboe so it's especially appealing to me).
Memorable moment at camp: I think my favorite thing about camp was sitting on porches in the evening after dinner, listening to folks playing, or sitting on my porch singing with other members of my cabin.... It felt so intimate and I love informal, non-staged performing—things that break the fourth wall. I loved the dancing every night and performing at the end of the week, but if I had to choose just one thing, I think the porch playing/performing would be the thing.