
Fall 2018
From the Editor

It’s About Time.

By Julie Lancaster

Those who’ve been attending Balkan camp for a while can see evidence of time passing—this kid’s grown up while we weren’t looking, that one has children of her own now, this one’s head is greyer, that one’s eyes twinkle from nests of more wrinkles. . . . But from another perspective, the Workshops are surprisingly timeless. Continue Reading

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

By Kef Times Staff, Fall 2018

In this issue we honor two giants in our community and beyond who died since our last issue: Vlad Popovich, tambura player and teacher, and Dinka Ruseva, singer, teacher and Bulgarian folk celebrity.

Vlad Popovich

By Kef Times Staff, Fall 2018
vlad playin the tambura

Vlad playing the tambura


Tamburica player and teacher Vlad Popovich died on April 17, 2017.  A great American carrier of the tamburica tradition, he had taught numerous times at the EEFC Balkan Music and Dance Workshops, starting at Buffalo Gap in 1992, the last time at both camps in 1997. He also served on the EEFC board of directors from 1994-95.

Walter "Vlad" Popovich, was born August 8, 1931, in Niagara Falls, N.Y. While attending Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pa., he was a member of the Duquesne Tamburitzans, with whom he had the opportunity to tour the U.S. and perform twice in Yugoslavia. Later he played with the Balkan Serenaders of Lackawanna, N.Y., a group that played extensively for Serbian/Croatian community groups. He had experience with all the tamburica instruments but primarily played brač or čelo. Vlad was inducted into the Tamburitza Hall of Fame in 1993.

In his non-musical life, he earned a business degree from Duquesne University; served in the U.S. Army and the Army Reserve, retiring at the rank of full colonel; and retired as a project manager in the Linde Division of Union Carbide (now Praxair) after working for the company for 32 years.

He and his wife Evelyn, a fellow Tamburitzan (she played the prim), who died in 2014, had two sons, Steven and Peter.

Vlad with Jeanne Busch

Vlad with Jeanne Busch

“I remember him from my early years at Buffalo Gap, when I made weak attempts to play the brač in the tamburica ensemble with Vlad, Charlie Smilinich and Danilo Yanich,” wrote Rachel MacFarlane to the EEFC listserv. “Vlad was kind and gentlemanly, but he was also wicked funny in a subtle and mischievous way.

“Vlad, Danilo, and Ray Ranic taught at Mendocino in 1997, the first year Esma Redžepova and her band came to our camps,” Rachel said. “I recall a golden evening there in the kafana, when the master tamburaši were treating all of us to their music, and there were Esma’s guys musicians , listening intently and rapturously. Seriously beautiful stuff. And who can forget that year’s auction—when Vlad et al. ‘won’ an auction spa treatment—to a fancy manicure that resulted in watermelon paintings on their nails that they proudly wore for the rest of the week.”

Vlad With his head in a tuba

Vlad with his head in a tuba

On the listserv, Emerson Hawley added this memory: "Vlad's enthusiastic descriptions of the lamb spits they had at the Serbian Club in N. Tonawanda: Multiple spits stacked up in some kind of smoky enclosure; garlic to the max. All day roasting with plenty of šljivovica. Vlad and Charlie: stalwarts of soaking bread in the lamb drippings, popping garlic cloves. Not to mention tamburica.  Vlad loved playing the čelo; that part swings.  Having me as a brač pupil. . . private tutorials. . .you know the guy was patient.  My favorite picture of Vlad, taken by Margaret Loomis, is with his head deep inside the bell of my tuba."

Here is a link to Vlad’s official obituary  as well as to his article in Tamburitza Hall of Fame.

Dinka Ruseva

By Kef Times Staff, Fall 2018
Dinka Ruseva

Dinka Ruseva


Beloved Bulgarian Thracian singer Dinka Ruseva, who taught at both the Mendocino and East Coast EEFC workshops in 1991, passed away on February 28, 2018, at the age of 70.

Born on February 16, 1948, in the village of Pet Mogili, Sliven, Dinka Ruseva sang extensively for weddings, baptisms, fairs and festivals. She was particularly noted for her highly ornamented and achingly beautiful slow songs, a number of which can be seen on YouTube. She and her husband Georgi lived in the town of Radnevo, in Stara Zagora province, and had two sons, Dragia and Radi, both musicians.

“Dinka shared her beautiful singing and songs and her generous, warm, and spirited personality with the EEFC community,” wrote Carol Freeman to the EEFC listserv after she heard the news. “She also taught workshops in different cities around the country. Dinka was revered in Bulgaria, but was as down to earth a person as they come. She had an exceptionally beautiful repertoire which she performed with masterful technique and enormous heart. We will miss her deeply, and forever treasure her music.”

"The younger folks in our community may not realize how special it was back in 1991 to have a complete Bulgarian band, [Bulgari], of which Dinka was a member, come to camp,” wrote Rachel MacFarlane to the EEFC listserv. “We were all emerging from the Cold War and had had extremely limited access to the artists from the countries whose music and dance we loved so much."

Dinka Ruseva

Dinka Ruseva

Here are some videos of Dinka Ruseva performing:

"Седнах да вечерям"

"От долу иде кервана"

"Индже из гора ходеше"

And a short memorial video (in Bulgarian)

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