
Spring 2019
From the Editor

Enjoying the prospect

By Julie Lancaster

This summer’s camps are fast approaching and I’m so pleased that my sweetie Jim and I will be attending one of them (Mendocino), after a few years away. The prospect is thrilling . . . Continue Reading

Scholarship Recipient

Mendocino 2018: George Parisis

George Parisis

Location: Hayward, Calif.

Occupation: Teaching Credential Candidate at Cal State East Bay and Middle School Science Teacher

Connection to Balkan music/dance: I have been involved with Greek folk dance from a young age—performing at local festivals as well as the national Greek folk dance and choral competition known as FDF. As a college student, my involvement with Greek dance continued when I prepared a youth group for FDF. Furthermore, I have played the Cretan laouto and mandolin for over 10 years now, performing at FDF and various other occasions throughout the year. In the near future, I plan on learning to play the askomantoura (bagpipe).

Number of times at Balkan camp: This was my first time at camp.

Studied at camp: Since I arrived at camp later in the week, I was not able to regularly attend a specific workshop.

Memorable moment at camp: The entire experience was overwhelmingly inspiring. The vast amount and diversity in musical abilities and types surely broaden my scope. Being surrounded by so many wonderful people and soaking in the music played by so many talented musicians was so inspiring.

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