
From the Editor

Expanding Our Range

By Julie Lancaster, Fall 2014
Julie Lancaster (photo by Rick Cummings)

Julie Lancaster (photo by Rick Cummings)

Now that Kef Times is planned for publication three times per year (May, September and December), we’re delighted to be able to expand the range of subjects addressed and authors featured from our community.

Our cover story is a profile on Mark Forry, a longtime EEFC workshop faculty member whom I’ve long wanted to interview. Next up is Laura Shannon’s in-depth article about a ancient Twelfth Night tradition that is alive and well in northern Greece.

In this issue we debut four (really? four? what were we thinking?) new sections. The first is In the Hood—about how people have created EEFC-inspired music scenes or events in their own home towns. This installment is by Ruth Hunter and John Morovich, about Balkan Night Northwest in Seattle.

Other new sections are Balkan Songs, edited by Bill Cope; this issue’s song transcription and translation were a collaboration between Bill, Miamon Miller and Sophia Bilides; Eastern European Threads (costumes and textiles) edited by Wendi Kiss; and Gems from the EEFC Listserv (or Gems from the Listserv Archive, depending on just how old the gems in question are).

I hope you’ll find these new sections so inspiring that you pass the articles along to friends to read, and maybe even decide you’d like to contribute something for an upcoming Kef Times. If you do, just shoot me an email with your ideas.

As in every issue, you will also find the New & Notable section about new releases in our community, and workshop photos from the latest camps. (Note: the 2014 Kef/Crum and other scholarship recipients will be featured in the next issue.)

We’d love to hear from you! Just send me an email if you have comments or ideas.

Julie Lancaster





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