
Spring 2017
From the Editor

Finding time to read the good stuff.

By Julie Lancaster

We know you’re inundated with information—especially this year, as the national and international news brings ever more amazing, or appalling, things to read about. But we know our community’s interest in the music and dance we study runs deep. Continue Reading

Scholarship Recipients

Iroquois Springs 2016: Vedran Boškovski

By Vedran Boškovski, Spring 2017
Vedran Boškovski

Vedran Boškovski

Location: Brooklyn, N.Y.

Occupation: I work in restaurants and do music every now and then.

Connection to Balkan music/dance: I was born in Skopje, Macedonia, so it is part of life. Everyone is around it and aware of it. I got more seriously into it, trying to learn the music and folklore, in college in my early 20s.

Number of times at Balkan camp: Three or four.

Studied at camp: I am interested in Macedonian music and playing traditional instruments: zurla, gajda, kaval. I actually got the scholarship for Mendocino and I was supposed to go there as a student, but then they asked me to teach. [Ed. note: Staff member Mark Levy had to cancel and Vedran was hired at the last minute to teach Macedonian village ensemble and Macedonian gajda.] I did take the Čalgija ensemble class. Then I attended the camp at Iroquois Springs on the scholarship.

Memorable moment at camp: In general, it’s a great time. This year at Iroquois Springs was a little better because the weather was phenomenal and I spent more time in the pool. California was also really amazing. Learning a bunch of new things, hanging with different musicians, playing a bunch of music, the food was phenomenal on both coasts. I come there with a purpose; there are really great master musicians that play great Macedonian music or Macedonian style of music, and that’s most of what I go there for. There are a lot of really amazing people. At the East Coast camp by now, I’m familiar with everyone; the West Coast camp was also very unique in its great people.

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