Emily Laliotis
Location: Tacoma, Wash.
Occupation: I am currently a student at the University of Puget Sound, double majoring in music and religion.
Connection to Balkan music/dance: My interest in Balkan music stemmed from my involvement with the Greek folk dance community, namely the Folk Dance Festival. However, as a musician, my interest in Balkan music went far deeper than only dance. In my regular life, I'm a singer-songwriter of American folk music. This style is my primary focus, but I also study Byzantine chant and am studying classical voice in college. I also participate in classical anda cappella choirs. I stay busy in lots of areas of music.
Number of times at Balkan camp: This was my first year at camp.
Studied at camp: I studied singing at camp, both Turkish and Greek.
Memorable moment at camp: The whole experience felt like a dream—some utopia where good people come together and make good music all day, every day. Each night, I was amazed at the endless energy and support, from the dance hall to the kafana and everywhere in between. I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face for the whole week, and even now am amazed at the experience that I had the great fortune of being a part of.