Fall 2014
Mark Forry
Likely to be spotted with mouth open wide, leading a tamburica ensemble and often knowing more lyrics than anyone else in the room, Mark Forry has been involved in Balkan camps since the 1975 Sweet’s Mill camp (a precursor to the EEFC camps). Continue Reading
Theofania in Northern Greece: Men’s Dance Rituals of Blessing and Protection
At the southern edge of the Rhodope Mountains, skirts of rock sweep down to the Drama plain. In six tiny villages where mountain and valley meet, an ancient Twelfth Night tradition endures . . . . masked men in goatskins and sheep bells dance through the streets to dispel evil spirits, awaken the fertility of the earth and ensure a good year. Continue Reading
Balkan Night Northwest
You know when it’s January? And you haven’t seen the sun since September? And the long, grey spring stretches out ahead of you with that little twinkle called Balkan camp at the end of the tunnel? Continue Reading
EEFC Fundraising and Outreach
Welcome to the second issue of the all-new, online Kef Times. I’m delighted to release to you the second issue in what we are planning as a thrice-yearly publication. I encourage you to share the articles you find most interesting, and let Julie and the rest of the team know what you think of their work. Continue Reading
New and Notable
New recordings and books by folks in the EEFC community. Names in bold type indicate EEFC Workshop campers, staff, teachers, and other EEFC supporters. Continue Reading
Eastern European Threads
Information and tips about Eastern European textiles and costumes. In this issue, Caring for Your Folk Costume. Continue Reading
Balkan Songs
Welcome to Kef Times’ first installment of Balkan Songs! For this issue, we delve into the Balkan Tunes archive and emerge with “Dhimitrúla,” a song made famous by the Smyrneika singer Roza Eskenazi. Continue Reading
Gems from the Listserv
In this section we bring you some recent posts from the EEFC’s listserv—one entertaining and two practical. Continue Reading
2014 Workshop Photos
See photos folks have sent us from the 2014 Mendocino and Iroquois Springs Workshops. Continue Reading
Spring 2014
Marlis Kraft-Zemel
In 1983, Swiss-born musician Marlis Kraft-Zemel and her two sisters were touring in the U.S. with an international folk music group and wondering if they would get beyond the waiting list for the first-ever East Coast Balkan Music and Dance Workshop. Continue Reading
Fundraising and Telling Our Story
At our most recent board meeting, the Board and I began a process of examining the Board’s relationship to fundraising. I am excited to see their interest in a sometimes daunting issue, and their commitment to stewardship of the organization we love so much. Continue Reading
Understanding the EEFC Board’s Evolving Role
Our spring meeting was held in Brooklyn, N.Y., in late March, at Emily Cohen and Eric Frumin’s home. One of the important issues that came up was understanding our evolving responsibilities as a board. We started our conversation by sharing our expect … Continue Reading
Highlights of the Upcoming 2014 Workshops
Our 2014 Workshop season has delicious treats in store. We hope you’ll join us and our talented teachers for fun, learning, parties, and some unforgettable memories. Continue Reading
New & Notable
New recordings and books by EEFC associates, including workshop campers, staff and teachers, and other EEFC supporters. Continue Reading
In Memoriam
In this issue we honor three EEFC Workshop staff members who have died since our last issue: Haig Manoukian, Marcus (Holt) Branicheff Moskoff, and Georgi “Bai Georgi” Petrov. Continue Reading
2013 Scholarship Recipients
Recipients of the 2013 Dick Crum/Kef Scholarships, Balkan Night Northwest Scholarship, and Steffi Agin Scholarship chime in about what made their Workshop experiences extraordinary. Mendocino: Janet Finney-Krull, Morgan Nilsen, Lizzy Pedersen and Danielle Smith; Iroquois Springs: Dylan Crossen and Michelle Tsigaridas Weller. Continue Reading
2013 Workshop Photos
See photos folks have sent us from the 2013 Mendocino and Iroquois Springs Workshops. Continue Reading